Well FINALLY finished! Here's the lapghan it took me a year to make! hahahaha It is my own design too. I have this one wrote down too!
Sorry if this is a repeat to you.
But it took me a year because when I started I had only been crocheting a year.
While its just a basic square. I had to make myself a square the size I wanted.
So I made WAY more squares than I used in this pattern!! I would try one way and didn't like it....too big, or too small, or just didn't like the square.
I have now learned while I really love some squares. I get soooo BORED with repeating square after square after square!!! UGH! LOL Sometimes I would get the nods! Ya know start falling asleep and looking like a bobble head doll! ROTFLMBO!!!
So what do ya think? Be honest now. I can't do better if I don't know what's wrong.
Sorry if this is a repeat to you.
But it took me a year because when I started I had only been crocheting a year.
While its just a basic square. I had to make myself a square the size I wanted.
So I made WAY more squares than I used in this pattern!! I would try one way and didn't like it....too big, or too small, or just didn't like the square.
I have now learned while I really love some squares. I get soooo BORED with repeating square after square after square!!! UGH! LOL Sometimes I would get the nods! Ya know start falling asleep and looking like a bobble head doll! ROTFLMBO!!!
So what do ya think? Be honest now. I can't do better if I don't know what's wrong.
Happy Hookin'
hey looks great :) My husband wants one similar now so that we can make a giant floor checkers game for the kids... will have to put my thinking cap on??
Thanks for the comment!
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